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L A M EcoLogical is a woman owned company with over 25 years of knowledge and experience in the Wetland and Water Resource Industry.  LAM EcoLogical professionals have valuable experience in Environmental Documentation, Wetland and Water Resource Permitting, Wildlife Evaluations and Assessments, Vernal Pool Studies, Wetland Delineations, GPS Mapping, Wetland Mitigation Design, Construction Monitoring and Conservation Commission Support.  


At L A M EcoLogical, we provide our clients with fair and honest consulting services at a great value.


If your project needs professional, qualified guidance through the regulatory process, then


L A M EcoLogical is the right choice.


Call us today.


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Lori A. Macdonald, MS

Principal Environmental Scientist

Professional Wetland Scientist &

Certified Wildlife Biologist

Lori Macdonald is an experienced Wetland Scientist and Biologist with a demonstrated history in the engineering and construction industries.  She has experience in environmental permitting, construction biological and water quality monitoring, CEQA, MEPA and NEPA documentation, wetland delineations, vernal pool studies, and wildlife and biological evaluations, surveys and assessments.  Lori obtained her Professional Wetland Scientist Certification in 2010 and was certified as a Wildlife Biologist in 2017.  As a Certified Erosion, Sedimentation and Storm Water Inspector and Qualified SWPPP Practitioner, Lori has practical knowledge of construction operations which aids in the development of realistic permit applications and construction related specifications.  She is skilled in AutoCAD, ArcGIS, Trimble, Leica RTK, and Total Station Survey.



2015-2017 GRADUATE COURSES in Wildlife Biology, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR.

1992-1994 MASTER OF SCIENCE, Environmental Sciences, University of Massachusetts, Boston, MA.



  • Certified Wildlife Biologist, The Wildlife Society

  • Professional Wetland Scientist, Society of Wetland Scientists

  • Certified Erosion, Sediment & Storm Water Inspector, EnviroCert International Inc.

  • OSHA 10 Hour Construction Safety and Health Certificate


Sawmill Village Residential Development (2020 - 2024)

Secured wetland permits for the multi-phased, 46 home, residential development project in Easton, Massachusetts.  Completed the Wildlife Habitat Evaluation, and pre- and post-construction Vernal Pool Habitat Study.  Designed and participated in the construction and monitoring of Stormwater Wetlands, Wetland Mitigation, and Stream Channel Recreation.  Served as the SWPPP Construction Field Lead.  


MEPA Documentation and Eastern Box Turtle Habitat Assessment and Protection / Restoration Plan for Atkins Road 22 Lot Residential Cluster Subdivision on 36 Acres, Sandwich, Massachusetts (2009-2010)

Prepared a multi-phased construction mitigation plan and habitat protection and restoration plan for Eastern Box Turtle (EBT), a state Special Concern species. The restoration plan included a long-term invasive species management plan for the removal and management of honeysuckle (Lonicera morrowii).  Prepared and filed the Environmental Notification Form in accordance with the MA Environmental Policy Act. Worked with the Project Team on MNHESP MESA coordination and the preparation of the Habitat Assessment and MESA application associated with proposed work in mapped EBT Habitat.  Responsible for coordinating the preparation of Habitat and Vegetation Cover maps for the Habitat Assessment and calculating impacts.


Eastern Box Turtle Construction Protection and Monitoring Protocols and Plans and Preconstruction Survey for Willowbend Circle, Single Family Residential Subdivision, Mashpee, Massachusetts (2009)

Prepared the construction protection and construction monitoring protocols and associated plans to ensure the protection of Eastern Box Turtle (EBT), a state Special Concern species.  Worked with the Project Team on the MNHESP MESA coordination, the preparation of environmental filings and the preparation of habitat mitigation plans and specifications. Coordinated the preconstruction staking, turtle protection fence installation, preconstruction meeting and turtle sweep in accordance with the MESA conditions.  Participated in the preconstruction meeting and turtle sweep in Fall of 2009.  Monitored silt fencing to ensure fencing was functioning appropriately.


Biological Construction Monitor for State Route 4 Widening Project, Antioch, California (2012 – 2016)

Served as Biological Monitor for the widening of SR 4 in Antioch, CA from the Contra Loma Interchange to SR 160 Ramps (Segments 2, 3A & 3B).  Project involved the widening of Route 4 from a 4-lane cross-section to an 8-lane cross-section with the E-Bart located in the center median.  Monitored for the presence of protected wildlife such as the federally threatened and state special concern California red-legged frog, state special concern burrowing owl, state threated Swainson’s hawk and white-tailed kite.  Conducted preconstruction CA red-legged frog  and other wildlife field surveys. Monitored the installation of wildlife habitat protection fencing.  Monitored nesting birds protected under federal and state regulations including burrowing owl, Swainson’s hawk and white-tailed kite.  Trained construction personnel on project wildlife issues, permit condition requirements and protected wildlife reporting protocols.  Monitored construction work to ensure protection of habitat and wildlife in accordance with permit conditions.  Monitored wildlife habitat protection fencing for wildlife strandings and to ensure fencing was in place.  Completed burrowing owl passive relocation and burrow closures.  Prepared daily and weekly reports.


North Fork Battle Creek Barrier Removal and Fish Passage Improvement Project, Manton, California  (2018 – 2019)

Completed the Biological Assessment under Section 7 of the ESA, NOAA Programmatic Biological Opinion application, 401 and 404 applications and CA streambed alteration agreement application for the project.  The project qualified under the 404 Nationwide General Permit 27, Aquatic Habitat Restoration for the removal of boulder barriers, the regrading of the bedrock creek bottom and the installation of hydraulic structures to restore and improve passage to upstream spawning habitat for federally endangered Sacramento River winter-run Chinook salmon, state and federally listed Central Valley spring-run Chinook salmon and federally listed California Central Valley steelhead. 


Deer Creek Irrigation District Dam Fish Passage Project, East of Vina, Tehama County, California (2019)

Contributed to the Biological Assessment prepared under Section 7 of the ESA and the transplanting of elderberry (Sambucus sp.) shrubs as a part of the Valley Elderberry Longhorn Beetle habitat restoration plan. The project involved constructing a roughened channel (rock ramp) spanning the entire width of Deer Creek downstream of the existing dam.  In addition, the project lowered approximately 1,250 feet of the existing diversion ditch and replaced the off-channel fish screen and juvenile bypass pipe with new structures set at a lower elevation to accommodate state and federally listed Central Valley spring-run Chinook salmon, federally listed Central Valley steelhead DPS, and Central Valley fall-run and late fall-run Chinook salmon Essential Fish Habitat.


Antelope Creek Fish Passage Improvement Project, Red Bluff, Tehama County, California (2019)

Monitored the transplanting of elderberry (Sambucus sp.) as a part of the Valley Elderberry Longhorn Beetle habitat restoration plan and served as the Certified Erosion, Sedimentation and Storm Water Inspector for the consolidation of two diversions into the Los Molinos Mutual Water Company Ditch, the replacement of the existing fish screen and the installation of a new fish bypass system in order to improve fish passage and reduce entrainment of state and federally listed Central Valley spring-run Chinook salmon, federally listed Central Valley steelhead, fall- / late fall-run Chinook salmon and other native fish.    


Paynes Creek Bend Water Users Fish Passage Restoration Project, Bend, Tehama County, California (2019)

Drafted the Biological Resource Evaluation in accordance with the CA Endangered Species Act for the proposed installation of a new fish screen and reconstruction of an existing bypass channel in order to improve the passage of state and federally listed Central Valley steelhead, Chinook salmon and other rare species. 


Deer Creek/Stanford Vina Diversion Dam Fish Passage Improvement Project, Stanford Vina, Tehama County, California (2019)

Drafted the Biological Resource Evaluation in accordance with the CA Endangered Species Act for the replacement of two fish screens and the existing dam in order to improve upstream juvenile and adult passage and juvenile bypass for Chinook salmon, federally listed Central Valley steelhead and other protected species. 

Vernal Pool Assessment, Main Street, West Barnstable, Massachusetts (2010)

Completed a Vernal Pool Assessment for the presence of obligate vernal pool species such as Wood Frog (Rana sylvatica), fairy shrimp & mole salamanders.  Prepared and submitted Certification Documentation to MNHESP.


Vernal Pool Assessment, Nichols Village, 84 Unit Senior Independent Living Facility, Groveland, Massachusetts (2000-2001)

Participated in the vernal pool assessment of three potential vernal pools and documented findings for submission to MNHESP and the Conservation Commission.



Eastern Box Turtle Preconstruction Survey for Willowbend Circle, 5 Unit Single Family Residential Subdivision Mashpee, Massachusetts (2009)

Coordinated the preconstruction staking, turtle protection fence installation, preconstruction meeting and turtle sweep in accordance with the MESA Eastern Box Turtle (EBT) project conditions. Participated in the preconstruction meeting and turtle sweep in Fall of 2009.  Monitored silt fencing to ensure fencing was functioning appropriately.


Biological Construction Monitor for State Route 4 Widening Project, Antioch, California (2012 – 2016)

Biological Monitor for the widening of a 3.5 mile section of SR 4 in Antioch, CA from the Contra Loma Interchange to SR 160 Ramps (Segments 2, 3A & 3B).  The project involved the widening of Route 4 from a 4-lane cross-section to an 8-lane cross-section with the E-Bart located in the center median.  Monitored construction for the presence of protected wildlife such as the federally threatened and state special concern California red-legged frog, state special concern burrowing owl, state threatened Swainson’s hawk and white-tailed kite in accordance with permit conditions.  Completed preconstruction CA red-legged frog and other wildlife field surveys.  Monitored the installation of wildlife habitat protection fencing and inspected fencing during construction.  Monitored nesting birds protected under federal and state regulations including burrowing owl, Swainson’s hawk and white-tailed kite.  Trained construction personnel on project wildlife issues, permit condition requirements and protected wildlife reporting protocols.  Completed burrowing owl passive relocation and burrow closures. 


Antelope Creek Fish Passage Improvement Project, Red Bluff, Tehama County, California (2019)

Monitored the transplanting of elderberry (Sambucus sp.) as a part of the Valley Elderberry Longhorn Beetle habitat restoration plan and served as the Certified Erosion, Sedimentation and Storm Water Inspector for the consolidation of two diversions into the Los Molinos Mutual Water Company Ditch, the replacement of the existing fish screen and the installation of a new fish bypass system in order to improve fish passage and reduce entrainment of state and federally listed Central Valley spring-run Chinook salmon, federally listed Central Valley steelhead, fall- / late fall-run Chinook salmon and other native fish.    


Environmental Construction Monitor for the Fairway Oaks Residential over 55 Condominium Complex, Haverhill, Massachusetts (2000-2001)

Independent environmental construction monitor for the construction of a multi-phased 77-unit condominium complex with internal site roads located on 28-acres off Newton Road in Haverhill, MA.  Assured project construction compliance with the Order of Conditions and prepared weekly reports for submission to the Haverhill Conservation Commission.  Monitored erosion controls including daily monitoring of silt fencing and hay bales.  Monitored the construction of two, 5,000 s.f. forested red maple swamp wetland replacement areas with hydrological connections to perennial streams.  Managed the installation of box culverts installed at stream crossings including a multi-celled, open bottom, rock over crushed stone, box culvert engineered in accordance with the MA Stream Crossing Standards.



L A M  EcoLogical  (2020 to Present)

Principal Environmental Scientist

Wetland and water resource consulting services including wetland delineation, wetland and water resource permitting, wetland mitigation design, wildlife surveys and habitat assessments, vernal pool assessments, MEPA / NEPA documentation, water quality monitoring, conservation commission support and construction monitoring.  Professional Wetland Scientist, Certified Wildlife Biologist, and Certified Erosion, Sedimentation and Storm Water Inspector.


Coneco Engineers and Scientists, Inc. (2020 to 2023)

Senior Environmental Scientist – Ecological Services & Permitting Department

Wetland and water resource permitting, local and state regulatory analysis, wetland and vernal pool delineations, wildlife habitat evaluations and wetland mitigation design for residential development projects.


Tehama Environmental Solutions, Inc. (2018 to 2020)

Associate Environmental Scientist

Biological Resource Evaluations prepared in accordance with CA Endangered Species Act.  Biological Assessments prepared in accordance Section 7 of the US Endangered Species Act.  ACOE Section 404, 401 Water Quality, and CA Streambed Alteration Agreement permit application preparation.  Specific project types included fish passage restoration, boat ramp maintenance dredging, and water quality construction monitoring for federal and county projects.  Construction biological restoration experience including monitoring elderberry shrub transplanting for valley elderberry longhorn beetle habitat mitigation.  Sensitive species experience includes Sacramento winter-run Chinook salmon, Central Valley spring-run Chinook salmon, Fall- / Late Fall-run Chinook salmon, California Central Valley steelhead, southern green sturgeon, valley elderberry longhorn beetle, vernal pool fairy shrimp and vernal pool tadpole shrimp.


Jacobs (2012 to 2017)

Senior Environmental Scientist

Biological monitor for the widening of State Route 4 in Antioch, CA from the Contra Loma Interchange to SR 160 Ramps (Segments 2, 3A & 3B).  Conducted preconstruction wildlife surveys and construction monitoring for California red-legged frog, white tailed kite, Swainson’s hawk, burrowing owl and other protected avian species. Completed biological evaluations, wetland delineations and wetland jurisdictional reviews and prepared reports.  Co-authored and conducted peer reviews of sections of transportation related environmental documents including EIRs, EAs and NESs.


Baxter Nye Engineering & Surveying  (2008 to 2012)  

Environmental Scientist

Wetland scientist responsible for identifying coastal and inland wetland boundaries in accordance with the MA WPA, federal regulations and local bylaws for residential, commercial and public sector projects. Classified vegetation communities according to Cowardin and MA vegetation classification systems. Prepared reports and wetland permit applications. Prepared wetland and buffer mitigation plans and specifications. Conducted vernal pool evaluations. Represented clients at meetings and hearings.  Prepared scopes of work, proposals and cost estimates.  Survey and GIS support for lands adopted into the NRCS Wetlands Reserve Program.


Town of Brewster Conservation Commission (2007 to 2008)

Brewster Conservation Agent

Reviewed NOI and RDA submissions and construction projects and presented comments to the commission.


Massachusetts Department of Transportation (Highway Department) (1994 to 2000 & 2002 to 2007)

Environmental Analyst III – Environmental Services

Supervised four environmental analysts in the MEPA/NEPA Unit.  Coordinated with other units within the Environmental Section to report project status at the weekly Department project construction advertising meetings. Expedited the preparation of major environmental documents such as Draft and Final Environmental Impact Reports and Environmental Assessments for highway design projects including the Middlesex Turnpike Transportation Improvement Project and the Hanover - Route 53 Transportation Improvement Project.  Managed the review and filing of environmental wetland permit applications for the Route I95/I93 Transportation Improvement Project.  Filed documentation for environmental clearances under the Massachusetts Environmental Policy Act (MEPA), National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), and Section 4(f) of the DOT Act.  Conducted peer reviews of and filed permit applications for transportation projects under the MA Wetlands Protection Act (MA WPA), the MA Water Quality Act, Chapter 91 of the MA Waterways Act, Section 404 and Section 401 of the Federal Clean Water Acts and Section 9 and 10 of the U.S. Rivers & Harbors Act.  Interpreted and applied regulations to transportation projects to ensure timely clearances under the appropriate environmental regulatory processes.  Prepared and presented technical advice regarding the applicability of environmental regulations, policies and permits to transportation designers.


Wetlands Preservation, Inc.  (2001 to 2002)      

Wetland Scientist

Wetland scientist responsible for wetland delineations, vernal pool habitat evaluations, wetland permit application preparation and construction monitoring in accordance with the MA WPA, federal regulations and local bylaws for residential and commercial projects. Construction stormwater and permit compliance monitor for the Fairway Oaks 77 unit, 55 and over condominium community in Haverhill, MA.  Monitored construction projects for compliance with wetland related construction conditions including the construction and performance of wetland replication areas. 



  • Society of Wetland Scientists (Full Voting Member)

  • The Wildlife Society (Full Voting Member)

  • Association of Massachusetts Wetlands Scientists



California Red-Legged Frog Identification Characteristics, Habitat Requirements and Permit Conditions for the State Route 4 Widening Project, Segment 2, Antioch, California.  April 2012 and as needed to 2014.


Western Burrowing Owl, Identification Characteristics, Habitat Requirements and Permit Conditions for the State Route 4 Widening Project, Segment 2, Antioch, California.  April 2012 and as needed to 2015.


MassHighway Right of Way and Environmental Permitting Seminar.  Fall 2005.  Lori spoke on MEPA / NEPA issues at a one-day workshop designed for professional engineers and scientists.  The seminar was held at four locations throughout MA.  258 people in total attended including 64 MassHighway personnel.




  • MA Audubon Turtles of the Outer Cape Field School (Eastern Box Turtle Training including Biology, Habitat Requirements and Radio Telemetry Training), June 22-25 2009

  • Rare Pond Species Survey Techniques Workshop (California Tiger Salamander, California Red-Legged Frog & Western Pond Turtle), Santa Rosa, CA, March 29-30, 2014

  • California Red-Legged Frog Workshop, Elkhorn Slough Reserve, Watsonville, CA, May 15, 2014

  • California Tiger Salamander Terrestrial Ecology Workshop, Laguna Environmental Center, Santa Rosa, CA, March 27, 2015

  • Ichthyology, Oregon State University, E Campus, March 2017

  • Avian Conservation and Management, Oregon State University, E Campus, December 2015

  • Ornithology, Oregon State University, E-Campus, December 2015

  • Salt Marsh Harvest Mouse Symposium, UC Davis, May 2017

  • Site Specific Wildlife Habitat Assessment Workshop, NHANRS, April 27, 2001

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